Quantumbiofeedback and Healthy childeren / Dr. Sıla Özdemir

Today, the majority of children are diagnosed with “Hyperactivity” or “Attention deficit syndrome”. Hyperactivity is a behavioral disorder caused by the inability of the mind to channel creativity, the child’s interest and lack of love, and the sense of responsibility that must be given to the child’s age, responsibilities, and lack of healthy discipline. Medicines prescribed by doctors for hyperactivity therapy are on the “Schedule II” list, which includes morphine and cocaine. In children using these highly addictive drugs, there is a tendency for addiction in later stages. There is no modern medical test that shows the presence of these diseases (!), as the doctors claim. In our society where people are good, good and talkative people; parents and the school system are often intelligent and can not tolerate these children who are ‘naughty’ because they can not channel too much energy. How easy and sad it is to label children as “sick” for a lifetime. What...