Scientists show that every living thing has a frequency, and moreover, all of us are influenced by the frequencies in our circle.“Everything is energy and everything is just that. When you match the frequency of the reality you want to have, there is now nothing to do that reality belongs to you. There is no other way. This is not  philosophy; it’s physics. “Albert Einstein” If you want to understand the mystery of the universe; think through the laws of energy, frequency and vibration ” Nikola TeslaThe “Quantum Biofeedback Energy Medical System”, which is a hybrid of magnetic bioresonance and biofeedback methods with quantum physics principles, runs on a computer software basis from Ancient Egypt, India and Chinese medicine. It is a non-invasive (bloodless) biologic method that uses electromagnetic vibrations of people and substances, has no side effects, is proven, painless and has no medication.The basis of the Quantum Biofeedback Device is based on bringing the esoteric and occult methods together with advanced technology to balance and correct the functionally distorted or distorted vibrations in the body and to reprogram the energetic field of the person.Recovery with Quantum Biofeedback is a process involving the adaptation of a person to certain vibrations, or the introduction or transmission of certain frequencies to the body, by taking the human on both the physical plane and the mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions. The system is used to initiate and continue to change positively in many different aspects of an individual’s life. This method improves the general health situation and balances life energy.Quantum Biofeedback Device; It operates as a “Conscious Interface Operating System”.Western medicine only works to relieve symptoms, not to deal with the causes and sources of diseases. Most medical treatments are simply trying to make the patient feel healthy by trying to see the problem as if it is gone, by relieving the symptoms, by suppressing the illness and the symptoms. Blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes treatment; all they do is to bring the unhealthy values ​​back to normal as long as they take medication, and the disease is still there if you do not take medication. Holistic approach, healing; as a series of conversions and sees diseases as a messenger. It takes into account that the situations that need to be improved come from subconscious traumas, conflicts, incompatibilities and irregularities, and deals with the main source of the problem. In doing so, it reveals the individual’s responsibility and provides ways for the person to make healthier choices. In this sense, the holistic physician guides the transformation of the client like an alchemist; go hand in hand with behavioral and cognitive psychology associations.Quantum biofeedback based energy medicine applications are based on the idea that illnesses originate from blockages and imbalances that exist in any of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of the indivisual. Blockages and irregularities in the vital stream reduce vibrations of a cell, organ, system, or energetic body. Diseases arise as a result of low vibrations and blockages. The blockage system that exists in one of the energy channels in the body acts in the direction of disrupting the whole operation. The unconscious is aware of even the first intervention in the flow of life. Therefore, all that is necessary to achieve and maintain the best conditions of the health to build a connection between the unconscious and the verbal mind. The simple use of the device is to remove  inherited, cognitional,ancestral and familial transmissions, remove the blockages at all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels;directing the healing frequencies and energy to the correct channels; and stimulate healing and transformation.
Holistic Medicine Physician / Addiction Counselor Quantum Biofeedback Practitioner


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