Raziel (Quantum Biofeedback System ) / Dr. Sıla Özdemir

The “Quantum Biofeedback Energetic Healing System”(RAZIEL), which is a hybrid of magnetic bioresonance and biofeedback methods combined with quantum physics principles, runs through a computer software and is based on Ancient Egypt and kabbalah teachings. It is a non-invasive (bloodless) biologic method that uses electromagnetic vibrations of people and substances, has no side effects, is proven, painless and has no medication.The Quantum Biofeedback Device is a holistic approach to spiritual vibration medicine, in which the esoteric and occult methods, enochian frequencies are brought together by advanced technology to balance and regulate functionally unregulated, dysfunctional or distorted vibrations in the body, and to reprogram the energetic field of the person. In this sense, the holistic physician(holistic doctor) using the system guides the transformation of the client like an alchemist; go hand in hand with behavioral and cognitive psychology associations.The Quantum biofeedback system uses a cybernetic loop and a trivector to correct unusual energy patterns that are not in perfect match with the body. This energy medicine system, which is active on all body functions, also has healing properties in mental, emotional and spiritual levels. By changing the frequency structure of DNA, aiming at lifting the transferive and ancestral causes of all diseases, by activating the noncoding part of the DNA known as the blueprint, it allows one to connect with the higher self and reveal it in this total potential life.


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